
Maíra A avatar image
Maíra A asked Patricia_brenny R commented

Railworks exception error

At the moment that i add the move train activite this error is shown:

time: 1000.000000 exception: Exception Caught in ObjectFunction250__project_library_FlexSimObject_behaviour_eventfunctions_OnTimerEvent object: /RailSystem1 i: /ConnectPoint1/Locomotive2399 class: /RailSystem1

time: 1000.000000 exception: Exception caught in TreeNode::receivemessage()

time: 1000.000000 exception: Exception caught in Executive::processeventinlist().

What could be the solution?


FlexSim 22.2.0
model-test.fsm (64.5 KiB)
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1 Answer

Patricia_brenny R avatar image
Patricia_brenny R answered Patricia_brenny R commented

Hey there!

Your model seems to be working fine in my version of FlexSim 22.2 + Railworks , I believe this is can be fixed by downloading the most recent Railworks for your respective installed FlexSim version. Which can be found at this link:


Alternatively, the exception is related to the destination field of the MoveTrain process flow activity


This is a very sensitive field and you need to guarantee that the reference used will, in fact, link to the desired Rail or RailControlPoint.

Try setting up your reference like this, skipping the second step of adding the "token.destino" label, and using modelfind directly on the field.


Using the " Model.find("Rail"+string.fromNum(token.secao_bloqueio)) " directly on the Final Destiny field should solve the problem.

Your process flow will be looking like this, and as you can see the token sucessfully reached the activity:


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1677510523088.png (15.3 KiB)
1677510713187.png (18.9 KiB)
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· 2
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