
Rahul T5 avatar image
Rahul T5 asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Shared Combiner for two different processes

I am trying to simulate shared resources (press and robot) to understand their utilization and system throughput. There are two press operations that combine two parts. I used combiner as a fixed resource. A1 and A2 get pressed together and goes through a process to become B2. B1 and B2 then get pressed together and goes to sink.
I set up two combiners to mimic parallel process and want to set up the model in a way that either PressA or PressB is running -- both cannot run simultaneously. I tried to set OnEntry and OnExit triggers on both presses to close/open input for the other press. But when I run the model I see both the combiners operating simulaneously in prallel. Looking for guidance on correcting the

FlexSim 23.1.1
combinerrobotshared resourcesparallel process
press.png (261.2 KiB)
pressprocess-1.fsm (39.3 KiB)
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered
Your original model actually looks correct. But you are using "Press1"/"Press2" in the trigger functions instead of "PressA"/"PressB".

Instead of addressing the other combiner directly you could also draw a centerport-connection between them and use "current.centerObjects[2]" in both cases.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Julie Weller converted comment to answer

It is an exclusive cycle.

On Entry (1), On Setup or On Processfinish -event in PressA close input of PressA

In pressB open On Processfinish or On Entry -event input of pressA.

(1) entry of item with condition port == 2

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