Hi @Sean, was Fang J's answer helpful? If so, please click the "Accept" button at the bottom of their answer. Or if you still have questions, add a comment and we'll continue the conversation.
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maybe u need provide your model. The error prompt that they does not return the required type at script Line 1 code.
I need to write GA into my model ,how do i let the value that python run out to write into my global table
@Sean There are examples of that on this site - please do a search.
Reopen the default workspace or try closing the scrip window to remove that error.
In this question you asked how to put your code into FlexSim. Are you no longer trying to do that but instead call the externatl Python function?
You've now also posted a third question on the topic here. Please don't duplicate questions as it consumes more time to answer 3 than one - and we will close the duplicates.
Please also look at your academic institution's training materials for examples.
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