
Rambabu avatar image
Rambabu asked Felix Möhlmann answered

How to add item in node?

Hi all,

I have a one query regarding the packing the items. In my previous question i was asked one query and i got the answer as well but i have facing one problem while following that process.While packing the items through flowitem bin.I have facing an issue when i was trying to add item into node it can't added. Why the reason i don't know please rectify the issue. please implement the basic model it could use to my project (If you don't understand my question kindly please refer my Previous question).

Thanks in advance

@Felix Möhlmann

Previous question:


FlexSim 23.1.3
packingflowitem bin
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

To create a pre-packed pallet, you'd copy the other objects from the FlowItemBin into a new node. You can then change the shape and roughly position them correctly in the FlowItemBin. Or you do so from the tree view, because you can only access the coordinates of the subnodes from there.



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