
PequodLZ avatar image
PequodLZ asked Jeanette F commented

How to make the elevator behave like a building elevator

So i'm basically trying to mimic your standard building elevator which focuses on serving in one direction first, dropping off passengers by floor order as well as picking up other passengers along the way (who are going in the same direction of the elevator) for as long it isnt full capacity and finally once it has served the last customer going up, it starts servicing downward doing the same.

The elevators behavior, by default, seems to be prioritizing whichever object appeared first. I'm assuming i'm supposed to use object task flow, but i'm not that knowledgeable on it, and i dont even know where to start. I've also set up triggers that assign a label name on the items Floor Origin and Floor Destination. If FloorDestination - FloorOrigin is positive then the item wants to go upwards, if negative then downwards. I dont know if that even helps though.


FlexSim 23.2.2
elevators.fsm (35.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

A 3D elevator is just a taskexecuter Class member object. If you want to load and unload more items from or to an object you break to other tasksequences that are kept in an tasksequence queue of dispatcher or the elevator object itself.
I would not begun tasksequences to a partitioned list. The partition is the loading station. Once an item gets into the elevator I would push the now begun tasksequence to a different partitioned list, which is partitioned by unload stations. At each station I pull first all stored tasksequences from the already begun list one by one and unload the items. Then I do the same for the items to load. You can let travel the elevator to a next station then.

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