
Leo L6 avatar image
Leo L6 asked Felix Möhlmann commented

Wait for Event Elevator Allocation


I would like to use a wait for event to wait for an elevator to be allocated for a specific object's task. I have multiple objects trying to allocate one elevator that is connected to each object through a center connection - I want the wait for event to fire only when an object has managed to successfully allocate the elevator.

The goal is to be able to calculate the time when an object attempts allocation and when allocation is actually achieved.

What's the best way to do this?

Thanks in advance!

FlexSim 22.0.16
wait for eventelevatorallocations
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

Want you want to do is measure the time between the elevator receiving a task sequence and the elevator starting said task sequence. There are events for both of these. When the elevator receives a new task sequence you need to store a reference to that sequence. You can then wait for the "Start Task" event to occur where the sequence the task belongs to is equal to one that was received.

In the attached model I demonstrate this both in Process Flow and in a Statistics Collector that feeds a histogramm.


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Leo L6 avatar image Leo L6 commented ·

Thanks! I think this is close to what I'm looking for. But, how do you tie the task sequence to a specific object? For example if I had multiple queues attached to the elevator in your example and I want to measure the task sequences generated only by Queue1.

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Leo L6 commented ·

You can use the parameters of the task sequence tasks to identify, filter or order by.

For example, the first task in a standard transport task sequence generated by a fixed resource will be a travel task to the origin object.


You can compare this value to a set reference to filter for task sequences that originate at that object.


You can also do the same in the "Condition" field of the Statistics Collector events.


Or you add this data to an additional column, so you can later separate the collected data by this information.




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