
Dominik Hoffmann avatar image
Dominik Hoffmann asked Dominik Hoffmann commented

Implement an Item Sequence from a Global Table with Process Flow

Hello, I hope someone can help me with my model. I am trying to implement a Sequence for Items with the Process Flow.

I have added a Global Table for reference in the model. Here the first token should get the Label type with the value 1. The second token should get the same Label with the value 2 and so on. However if the Table is completed the next token (6th. token) should start again at the beginning of the table meaning getting the value 1 for the type label. It should also be possible to expand the Global Table and adding more rows before the Sequence repeats itself.

I have tried using Tracked Variables and Process Variables but my Programm Skills are not enough for this. Pls help me. I have attached a simple Model for the problem.


FlexSim 21.2.4
process flowglobal tablesequence
test-sequence.fsm (27.7 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Dominik Hoffmann commented

You can use the input statistic of the Assign Labels activity to assign an incrementing value to the label. Couple this with the modulo (wikipedia) operator % to stay within the bounds of the table.


test-sequence-fm.fsm (105.1 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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Dominik Hoffmann avatar image Dominik Hoffmann commented ·

Thank you very much. That solved it.

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