
Hemanth Sai Kumar avatar image
Hemanth Sai Kumar asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Operator Utilization fix

Hi Flexsimers,
I have use case where the operators are linked to a timetable and during off shift time, I am facing an issue where my expected state for op_3,4,5 is off shift instead it is showing processing state, and this is reflecting the utilization plot. How can I fix this issue ?
Thanks in advance for you time and interest.


FlexSim 24.2.0
state chartoperator utilization
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered
"processing" is not a state an operator would normally enter, so I assume you set the state manually somewhere. This then likely happens regardless of the current state of the operator, overriding the "off shift" state.
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