
Howard avatar image
Howard asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Model doesn't stop running after added in shifts

This is follow up post from a previous questions:

How do I pull a group of operators by global table lookup? - FlexSim Community

After code is added to pull operators based on the Global Table lookup, it seems to work fine.

I added a morning and a night shift Time Table. Now my model just keeps running non-stop even if I put a End the Model Run or Replication in the Sink. May I know how to fix this?


globaltabledemohr-globallist-add-headcount-by-task 20240814 (Model doesn't stop).fsm

FlexSim 24.2.1
shift schedulestop model
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

The model keeps running because due to the time table there are always pending events in the event list. In your screenshot "Experimenting Only" is set to 'yes', meaning the run will only be stopped if it is a replication started by the experimenter. If you set it to 'no' the model will also stop when running it live.

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