
Tomasz MG avatar image
Tomasz MG asked Tomasz MG commented

Waypoint problem


in my model I need to rewrite the label from the control point to the train when the train passes through it. Everything works when I set them as Way Points, and in Process Flow I put Event-Triggered Source (On Arrival) and rewrite the label value from the point to the train. However, when I have these points set as Way Points, I can't use the trailer stop option (Relative To Trailer) on them. At the point I direct the trailer to, the train stops.

Is there any other way to rewrite the label from the control points to the train?

Unfortunately, I cannot share my model.

Thank you in advance and best regards

FlexSim 24.2.1
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Tomasz MG commented

If you want something to happen whenever an AGV passes a CP (meaning the CP is not its final destination and it might not necessarily come to a stop there) use the PreArrival event. Since that one is guaranteed to fire.

If the label needs to be set the exact moment the locomotive reaches the CP then you can read the arrival time from the AGV's kinematics.


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