
Ghizka avatar image
Ghizka asked Logan Gold commented

How to Setting Trigger in Combiner for Lead Time


Hey, I want to ask how to setting trigger for combiner so when the item from source 1 is not yet in processor 5, the combiner not to process the tote, cause i want to find the lead time of those simulation. If the combiner release the item early, it will effect the process time isn't it?

This is the result when combiner release early tote. The gap between max and min to far, and i want to fix it.

FlexSim 24.2.0
combinerlead time
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5 |100000

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1 Answer

David Chan avatar image
David Chan answered

@Ghizka The staytime of the combiner has different approach of calculation. You can use Tracked Variable to capture the staytime.

1. Capture the Model.time on exit from Processor5 in a label.


2. Use a tracked variable on the exit of the combiner, to capture the different between the label in previous point and the current time.


Under the statistics in the toolbox to add the tracked variable and pin the statistics to the dashboard.




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5 |100000

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