
Shinya O avatar image
Shinya O asked Logan Gold answered

Routing Constraint of Control Area does not work


Even if you change the Routing Constraint of a Control Area to Blocked, the AGV will still pass through that Control Area.

The Routing Constraint of the Control Area is set as shown in the attached model.

Thanks in advance.RoutingConstraintOfControlAreaDoesNotWork.fsm

FlexSim 24.0.4
agvcontrol arearouting constraint
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann commented ·

Interesting question. I always assumed that control areas are not actively used for routing and only added as allocations after the fact, when paths between control points go through them. As such I am not surprised that this doesn't work.

But the documentation keeps referring to "objects" when talking about routing constraint, making it seems that it should work for both points and areas.

So I would also like a clarification from the devs whether this is a bug or the documentation should be updated to only mention control points.

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1 Answer

Logan Gold avatar image
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Logan Gold answered

This does appear to be a bug. The documentation mentions that "an allocatable object is either a Control Point or a Control Area", and routingConstraint is a property of AGV.AllocatableObject, so it should work for control areas.

I will add something to the dev list.

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