
Marcus avatar image
Marcus asked Felix Möhlmann commented

My process flow, the operators stop moving after the quality check part?

Hi Everyone,

Currently my simulation is doing single pick order and after which they will go quality check(QC), however after the operator move 3 times, it will stop working, can anyone assist in helping me resolve this issue.

Baseline Model.fsm

Thank you so much!!

FlexSim 25.0.3
process flowoperatorsimulation
baseline-model.fsm (804.1 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

As I have already mentioned in my last comment to your other question, the issue is that pallets are removed from the processors before the process time has elapsed. The 'process finish' event stays scheduled and due to the missing item an error occurs and the process is not correctly stopped. If the process used an operator that might get it stuck.

The processors in your model have different settings (difference process times, some use an operator while others don't), so I don't know how the process is supposed to work. The easiest fix would be to set the process time to 0.

In the attached model I also fixed the label assignment in the sources.


baseline-model-1.fsm (136.3 KiB)
· 4
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