
Matheus Rosa avatar image
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Matheus Rosa asked Phil BoBo answered

.skp files disappearing from model

Anyone know why my .skp feature disappears after I save, close and reopen the fsm file? When I imported it, everything was working fine, but as soon as I save and close the FlexSim file and reopen it the 3D shape of my BasicFR that I've imported from .skp (version 2014) automatically disappears.

FlexSim 16.0.1
3d shapeshape3d filessketchupskp
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered

That model has an object called BasicFR101 that is referencing the shape "C:\Users\mpereir\Desktop\Factory Automation_102.skp."

That shape is embedded in this model in packed media.

That shape is not a version 2014 skp file. It is newer.

When I export that shape from the model's packed media and then open it in Sketchup, I can save it as a 2014 skp file and it comes in correctly:

Attached is the skp 2014 version of that file (factory-automation-102-v2014.skp) that works correctly with FlexSim.

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