
Mathilde DOUSSET avatar image
Mathilde DOUSSET asked Adrian Haws edited

How to make to 2 agv pass through the same way with 2 different path?


I explain you my system: I have a full pallet to carry up to a wait zone, then take an other pallet on the wait zone (the first pallet unload it) and unload it on the conveyor. But I have 2 AGV who can dispatch work but no uniform, one can take a full pallet to unload on the wait zone but also take a pallet and unload it on the convetor and come back with a empty pallet .

Now, my 2 AGV divide the work like follow: the first AGV take a full pallet and unload it on the wait zone and the second take the full pallet on tha wait zone , unload it, load a empty pallet and unload at the same place who the first AGV take a full pallet.


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Jeff Nordgren avatar image Jeff Nordgren commented ·

@Mathilde DOUSSET,

Was @Adrian Haws answer sufficient for you? If not, please let us know.

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1 Answer

Adrian Haws avatar image
Adrian Haws answered Adrian Haws edited

@Mathilde DOUSSET

I'm not sure I understand your question, but this is what it looks like to me: Queues 3, 64, 65, and 66 form the wait zone. You want one AGV to be responsible for carrying loaded pallets and unloading them at the wait zone, then the other AGV to unload the loaded pallet and drop it off at the conveyor. The second AGV would then carry an empty pallet from the conveyor and drop it off at Queues 1, 5, and 38. If it is as it appears, then most or all of this logic is already implemented. So where are you experiencing issues?

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