
bruce.heinlein avatar image
bruce.heinlein asked bruce.heinlein commented

How to swap a conveyor's default draw render mode texture?

Once you have toggled the draw render mode for a conveyor system, the default texture that is referenced is the roller texture. How can you replace this with an alternate texture? For example; if you wanted to swap the roller texture out with the one of the belt textures that ship with Flexsim -where is the reference to that texture made and can it be updated?

FlexSim 17.1.2
3d modeltexture3d files
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Ralf Gruber avatar image
Ralf Gruber answered bruce.heinlein commented


to my knowledge the textures apply to the legacy (or old) conveyors only, but not to the newer conveyor module. The legacy conveyors display a texture which you can swap per object in its GUI.

The new conveyor is actually drawn with the parameters you can set per conveyor type in its "Visual" tab:

Best wishes


conveyorgui.png (45.4 KiB)
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anthony.johnson avatar image
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anthony.johnson answered bruce.heinlein commented

For the next version, 17.2, we have made the conveyor types much more configurable. You will be able to define whether to draw rollers and/or belt, customize the belt texture and an optional side skirt texture.

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