In the attached model, OperatorJane is supposed to grab a brown box from ExitTransfer1 and put it on Processor1. She is attached to an AGV Process Flow "AGV" network. The error I'm getting is:
exception: FlexScript exception: label cp doesn't exist on token id: 4 at MODEL:/Tools/ProcessFlow/AGV/Does CP have Pickup Points?>variables/decision
After stepping through and running debugger, it appears that the label for token id:4 "cp" is not getting set in "Assign CP" in the Item Pickup process. If you click "Step" 22 times, the token id:4 should land on "Does CP have PIckup Points?", and clicking on the green token ball reveals that there is no label "cp", which should have been assigned from the step above, "Assign CP". Note that id:4 token does have two other labels - resource and item, which both seem populated OK.
If you click a 23rd time on Step, it will throw the System Console error above.
Interestingly, if in the "Assign CP" I change the Value "cpconnection(up(token.item), "Location", 1)" to simply be "BLAH", then cp does get assigned the string value "BLAH".
Have been looking at this for the last 2 days, can't see why it doesn't assign. Looking at the bigger picture, eventually, OperatorJane (and a second OperatorJohn) would be walking back-and-forth thru this U-shaped loop moving things from 12 exit transfers to 12 processors, in a looking-for-work fashion. Right now, I only have 1 built as you can see. The other 11 are simply disconnected sources & sinks from an earlier attempt.
Thanks for any guidance.
Mike Mayer