
michel.torbey avatar image
michel.torbey asked michel.torbey commented

Choose Connection type using contextdragconnection

I am using the function "contextdragconnection" and I have three types of "Object two way" connection in the agv network I am using.

When I apply the function, a pop-up appears asking me to choose between the three type.

Is there a way to make the program automatically choose one of the three type by using a command?

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1 Answer

jing.c avatar image
jing.c answered michel.torbey commented

Hi @michel.torbey

Try this command: function_s(obj FromCP,"addConnection",int index,obj ToCP);

"index" is the index of connection types, -1 means "traveler agv"

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michel.torbey avatar image michel.torbey commented ·

Thank you for your help! it works well.

Best regards,


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