
Ben O avatar image
Ben O asked Ben O published

How to simulate a crane attachment?

I am trying to simulate an attachment to a crane, whereby an object (eg a cylinder) is moved to a queue holding a single flowitem, that flowitem is loaded onto the cylinder, the crane then moves the cylinder to a (floor storage) rack bay, the cylinder unloads, then it is moved back to the queue to get the next flowitem.

I am currently trying to use a BasicTE or TaskExecuter to achieve this, but do not know how to program either to do so.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

cranecrane movementcranes
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1 Answer

Kari Payton avatar image
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Kari Payton answered Ben O published

@Ben O If you want to visually change how the crane looks, add another object in the animations pane.

In crane properties "general" tab, go to edit Visuals/Animation. Then add another object by clicking the green plus sign in the Animations and Components Pane. You can then change this object to be whatever you want by going to it's general properties tab. crane-visuals.fsm

crane-cylinder.png (90.5 KiB)
crane-visuals.fsm (24.2 KiB)
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