
Patrick Cloutier avatar image
Patrick Cloutier asked Patrick Cloutier commented

How to flip orientation of taskexecuter

Hello, I'm modeling a rail yard where locomotives move wagons around on different tracks. I'm using Taskexecuters on AGV paths with loads as trailers. It works great except for one important thing.

The locomotives sometimes PUSH some wagons and sometimes PULL some wagons. They never turn around. They just push or pull depending on which side they are of what they need to move.

Imagine a 2 headed locomotive.

BUT the taskexecuter always puts the wagons behind as if they are pulled even when I want to push them.

I need to flip the orientation of the taskexecuter just as I'm loading. Is there a command that can do that?

I tried changevisual to change its rotation. It works for a fraction of a second but as soon as it starts moving it returns to its original orientation along with the trailers behind it.

FlexSim 18.1.0
agvrail yard
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Patrick Cloutier commented

Typically the wagons are pulled. You can reverse the direction of the AGV. Phil posted a model some weeks ago, where the wagons stay on track in opposite direction. The main parameter is the Flip Threshold and setting the rotation of the 3D shape of the AGV. Maybe you must set the threshold, rotate the AGV object, rotate the shape and set the threshold again.

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Patrick Cloutier avatar image Patrick Cloutier commented ·

I just made the loop very very small so the loco flips almost in place. It's not perfect but it does the job unless someone has a better idea.

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Patrick Cloutier avatar image Patrick Cloutier commented ·

I tried that to no avail. Unless I don't understand how these settings work.

See this video:

Between 19 and 21 sec the locomotive should not have to do the loop it does. In real life the locomotive remains facing left to go get the 4 red wagons. The loop it does in the model does not exist. I added it to make it work in the model.

I need to remove that. So either I can flip the locomotive when it arrives at the 4 red wagons.

Or maybe I can make a 2-headed locomotive with 2 AGVs together...

Any ideas?

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