
BING SYUAN L avatar image
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BING SYUAN L asked BING SYUAN L commented

How to set item location on agv (the item was passed from robot)

process-flow-video.7zk21模擬v-5-autosave.fsmOriginal, I use agv to load the item and the item wili be put on the correct position by the on load trigger(custom code - sort item position). No matter first or second item could work. (process flow - AGV2)

But now I change to use robot that mount on agv to load the item, how to set item location on agv when using robot unload the item to the agv as original using agv to load item. (process flow - AGV)

FlexSim 18.2.2
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered BING SYUAN L commented


If I understand what you're asking, you can use a "Change Visual" activity for this in Process Flow. I've attached an example to this reply. In the "Change Visual" activity, you can choose "Set Location to Object Location" and use the AGV as your relative location. This way, you can stack the box exactly where you'd like it. Hopefully this makes sense. I've attached an image below to help explain.

Model: object-location-relative-example.fsm

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