
Marco Busatto avatar image
Marco Busatto asked Jason Lightfoot edited

How to make the Task Executer wait until a queue is empty?


In my model (flexsim-transfer-question12.fsm), I want the task executer "Transfer1" to take 18 boxes from the queue called "Only boxes" to the queue called "RM1 buffer" and to wait until the RM1 buffer is empty again before travelling back to its origin.

I can see that the task executer "Transfer1" moves back to pick up 18 more boxes as soon as there are 18 boxes ready in the queue "Only boxes" instead of waiting for the "RM1 buffer" to be empty first.

How can I do to make the Transfer1 wait until RM1 buffer is empty before it travels back to its origin?

Thank you in advance!

process flowqueuetask executerwait for event
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Bradley S avatar image Bradley S commented ·

I have a very similar question. I need my ASRS to get the item while it is waiting for my Task Executer to deliver its items and this works well when I don't use process flow and make the "maximum content" of the queue set to 1. However, using process flow logic this doesn't work. Please Let me know if there is any way to fix this. Thanks


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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ Bradley S commented ·

It's going be an answer specific to your question so you should post a fresh question, which will be better tracked. When you do maybe you could explain at which point you first see something going wrong and what you expect to happen. It sounds like you want the ASRS to alternate between pulling out of the racks and putting into them when there are both jobs - but a more detailed description will help.

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1 Answer

Braydn T avatar image
Braydn T answered

@Marco Busatto

The easiest way I can think of is to add process flow for Transfer1's logic, and add a wait for event before you release Transfer after it drops off the items at RM1.

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