
Kostas L avatar image
Kostas L asked Kostas L commented


Hello , in this model the operator is picking by Order number. I want the operator to pick each line of the order according to the column the PickingTime. Meaning, for the first order when he goes to pick up the 2 items from the racks (according to the global table) he takes in TOTAL 12 seconds to load the 2 items and when he goes for the next pick he takes 13 seconds in total to load 4 items . You can see the data in the global table . Thanks.

FlexSim 19.2.4
pickingpicking timeloading time
model.fsm (81.2 KiB)
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1 Answer

Brandon Peterson avatar image
Brandon Peterson answered Kostas L commented

@Kostas L

The following steps should get your where you want to be:

First, in the Source activity that creates your pick tokens you need to add a label that has the row or the Picking Time value.

Second, place a Delay Task activity after the Run Sub Flow activity that runs the sub flow that contains the Load Activity. The delay needs to use the Row value or Picking Time that you set in the first step as the delay time. I would set the state to Loading but you can choose whatever you want. Doing the activity in this location (The center of the bottom three flows) will cause the delay time to be for loading all of the boxes in the pick. If you want the delay to be for each individual box then I would put the activity in the right flow directly after the Load activity.

This should get you where you want,


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Kostas L avatar image Kostas L commented ·

Thank you @Brandon Peterson for your reply.

The operator is not working properly still. He picks up every order line according to the picking time from the first line. Meaning that for order 1 for example every pick of the total amount of boxes requested, is 12 and for the second line is also 12, where it should be 13. For the Order 2 he also uses the first line for picking for the whole order which is 14

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Brandon Peterson avatar image Brandon Peterson ♦ Kostas L commented ·

@Kostas L

The PickingTime label that you created was on the wrong token. If you remove it from the source that you have it on and move it to the location and set it to the value shown in the attached picture it will be correct. Also, you will need to change the delay time to the one shown in the second picture.

Hopefully this gets you going,


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Kostas L avatar image Kostas L commented ·

Thank you for your help very much @Brandon Peterson
i rereated the layout of the model but the main process flow remaind the same pretty much.i notice that the picking times start by skipping one item. Why is this happening?
Thamk you

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as-is-model.fsm (3.6 MiB)
Brandon Peterson avatar image Brandon Peterson ♦ Kostas L commented ·

@Kostas L

The model isn't skipping a time. Instead it is sending simultaneous tasks to the Picker and the Picker is executing them in an order that is out of sequence. In the picture below the Zone circled in red should have a maximum content set to 1. This would eliminate the ability for two tokens to be giving the Picker tasks at the same time. The token in the Delay task circled in Orange has not finished (it didn't even enter the activity) before a second token entered the Load activity on the right.

I hope this clears up the situation for you,


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Kostas L avatar image Kostas L commented ·
@Brandon Peterson

Thanks a lot for your reply!
Now it works!

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