
Roberto Z avatar image
Roberto Z asked tannerp commented

Conditional decide to check photo eye state


How does the line of code should read for a conditional decide to check for the photo eye state?

Photo Eye State logic:

On Clear -> Release child token

On Block -> Wait for event


Happy Holidays!

FlexSim 20.0.0
wait for eventsubflowconditional decideflexsim 20.0.0photoeye
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered tannerp commented

Here's an example for you, but this is similar to the default behaviour without a photoeye, and will break with simultaneous arrivals.

You took the sublflow from this post which was testing if the queue was full and waiting for an exit event.

The closest test to that is to test if the photo eye is clear ("state" variable) and if not wait for it to clear as shown in the model.


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Roberto Z avatar image
Roberto Z answered tannerp commented

Thanks for your feedback. I wasn't trying to avoid port connections despite the fact that imo controlling things with process flow is a much cleaner way of working, making it easier to catch up any mistakes and it's visually more pleasing by eliminating clutter from port connections.

I actually used your answer from this post to complete the simulation. This way as bottlenecks get created downstream the operators don't have any space to discharge and eventually they stop working.

Thank you again!


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