
Roberto Z avatar image
Roberto Z asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Queue Max Content in Process Flow by running subflows


I've been trying to limit the contents of the queue named "Table" to be no more than 1 by running a subflow named "Table has Capacity?" before the token gets released for the operator to complete its task sequence but I've been very unsuccessful.

The general idea of this simulation is to ensure a round robin pull strategy for the flow items coming from the fixed resources "Table" and "Tray Combo" to the conveyor.

When the conveyor gets backed up the operator should only complete any current task sequence left and should wait to resume his task sequence until "Table" has been emptied.

How can I achieve this?


FlexSim 20.2.0
process flowflexsim 20.2.0subflowconditional decide
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

This is because the capacity check value is the maxcontent initially, but when we wait for the item to exit, it hasn't completed the exit when the trigger is fired so the check needs to be maxcontent+1. I've changed that in the attached model.


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Roberto Z avatar image
Roberto Z answered

You're Awesome. Thank you so much!

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