
Jon Abbott avatar image
Jon Abbott suggested Jon Abbott edited

Allow Experimenter box plot columns to be rearranged using scenario order

When I run Experimenter scenarios, I often need to add and run additional scenarios afterwards. When I run these new scenarios, they are displayed as new columns on the right side of the existing box plots when viewing the results. The order of box plots that is shown is not always how I would like to see them ordered, though. It would be very useful if the box plot columns in the Experimenter results could be rearranged/reordered after an Experimenter run. Having the box plot column order inherit the scenario order that is defined in the Scenarios section of the Jobs tab might be one way to achieve this. Another alternative would be if the box plot columns could be clicked and dragged left and right to reposition them, although this may not follow the same order that is defined on the Jobs tab, which may be less intuitive. A potential solution to that is if rearranging the box plot columns via click-and-drag also rearranged the order on the Jobs tab in the background, such that they both change in lockstep. Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information. Thanks for considering this idea.

experimenterbox plotsscenario analysis
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1 Comment

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo commented

You can reorder (and filter) what scenarios are visible by using the Filters feature of the Experimenter.

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Jon Abbott avatar image Jon Abbott commented ·

Thanks @Phil BoBo. It looks like for the numeric scenario names I am using, I could use the following SQL statement:

ORDER BY [Name].toNum() ASC

It would be nice to have a way to rearrange columns using the GUI, without needing to write SQL though.

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