In my cases, AGV has to do rotate and crab moving when loading/unloading at some bays. To simplify this model, AGVs have to do rotation and crab moving to arrive some input buffer(Queue), while in others Queues don't.
I gave each dropoff controlpoint a label(A_value). While A_value=1, AGVs have to do rotation an crab moving at main path, AGVs will leave from main path and stop next to Queue, then start to do load/unload tasks. If A_value=2, AGVs simply move like they originally work, directly travel to control point and execute load/unload tasks.
I add a new field in "Dropoffpoint" list, which is "A value". Now I would like to read this A_value to determine if AGV should do rotation. My problem is how can I get this A_value in decide activity. In AGV process flow, the activity after "Unloading: Get a dropoff point", I would like to know which control point the AGV is ready to go, then get the label value(A_value) of this controlpoint. If A_value=1, AGV would do Run Rotation & crab moving Sub Flow first, later on they start to load/unload.
At cp49,51,53, A_value=1
At cp30,28,16, A_value=2