
Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen asked Matthew Gillespie edited

Bug in "Set Number in People Group" ?

I'm working on a people model and I want to have a number of equipment in the model, based on a variable in the parameters table. I can use the sampler and select a people group and I get the option to Set Number in People Group". I can also do that directly as an option in the On Set trigger. But when I do that and press reset, nothing happens. If I look at the underlying code it look like there is only code for removing objects and not for adding them. Is that correct?

FlexSim 21.2.4
people moduleparameters tableset number in people group
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Matthew Gillespie edited

To use that option you need to have your maximum number already in the model. The code then makes a number of them unavailable during the model run by removing them from their group. You should see a black box drawn under the objects that are unavailable.

This option doesn't delete and create copies of the objects like the other option (Delete and Copy Group Members) because in a lot of cases in people models the objects are unique.

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