
David Chan avatar image
David Chan asked Ben Wilson edited

Manual Activation Error (50019, 41200, 19)

We are trying to manually activate the license using the offline XML method.

We have encountered an error as per the pic. Please advise what should we do.

ERROR: Processing response - (50019, 41200, 19)
"Failure to process response for an unspecified reason. This error may be return...
Recovery: check parameters used for the request."


FlexSim 21.1.0
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licensingmanual activationlicensing errorxml activation requestslicense error
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered David Chan commented

Hi @David Chan ,

Is this the first time FlexSim is being licensed on this PC? If so, the first request/response XML pair would not have licensed the software, but would rather be used to configure Trusted Storage on that PC (see the big red warning box in the standalone offline instructions).

The error is probably due to one of these two reasons:

  1. You received a Trusted Storage config XML response, processed it, noticed the license was not activated, then processed the response again (thinking it was a license activation request, not a trusted storage config request). That 2nd processing of the TS config response could give this error to indicate that Trusted Storage is already activated.
  2. You received a Trusted Storage config XML response, but when trying to process it FlexSim is not able to get adequate permissions on the PC to configure Trusted Storage. In this case try right-clicking FlexSim and choose Run as administrator to open an elevated FlexSim session. This elevated instance should have the proper privileges to set up the PC for Trusted-Storage based licensing.

After the Trusted Storage config response has been processed (in #1 it already has, in #2 you'll need to elevate before processing), then you must generate a brand new activation request to submit for a response. You can't simply use the previous activation request again since that is actually a trusted storage config request.

Let me know how it goes.

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David Chan avatar image David Chan commented ·
@Ben Wilson

You are right!

It works



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