
Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel asked Ben Wilson edited

Answers Site: how can I get a reference to an answer of a question?

I want to link an answer in a post on this site. There is a Share icon to tell someone else about a useful answer, but I can’t get it as a link or send a reference to myself. Some years ago or was it in a previous community forum there was such an option to link only an answer or post. Currently I am able only to get a link to a whole question. Is there already such a method and I missed it? How can I achieve this? Thanks!


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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered Ben Wilson edited

UPDATE 2022-11-10:

Answers has a new feature for linking directly to answers and comments. You can now find "action-verb" links at the top of answers and comments which you can click to copy a direct link to the item.


Original Answer:

You can add #answer-1234567 to the end of the question's url, where the answer number can be found by looking at the revision history. Or you can inspect the page for html anchors.

copyactionlink2.gif (99.0 KiB)
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·
@Jason Lightfoot, thank you for your answer. I have access to revisions only on posts I wrote myself. It is probably a privilege role problem. I find anchors for comments. I find anchors in source code. Not every browser has an ability source code by default. You gave me a hint so to look for it for a Safari Browser. I got it working and I found node IDs in a html source code. It is still not comfortable. It is working, that is all what counts. Jörg
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Ben Wilson avatar image Ben Wilson ♦♦ Joerg Vogel commented ·

And you may have found this already, but the date/time of a comment is a link to the comment. So I guess we just need a similar functionality for answers.


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Ben Wilson avatar image Ben Wilson ♦♦ Joerg Vogel commented ·

I'll add a note to our wishlist that it would be good to have some anchor links next to answers and comments to easily link to them. Maybe here in the list of actions, a "link" link could put the link to the item into the clipboard, or be available for right-click > copy link location:


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