
Emily K avatar image
Emily K asked Jason Lightfoot commented

How to optional load items at work point

Hi @anthony.johnson ,

I am using the advanced AGV process flow template and trying to make some custom change due to my need.

My model has two types of material: Type 1 for the finished item (blue tote) and Type 2 for raw material (white tote). To improve throughput, I hope AGV could load the blue tote when it has load capacity but not load the white tote when its content still has other white totes.

I have read the user manual and found that the UnloadToEmpty properties contradict my need. If UnloadToEmpty=0, it will load all totes when it arrives at the work point and has load capacity. If UnloadToEmpty=1, it will not load any tote until it unloads all the white tote even if its current unload point has finished items and it has load capacity.

Is there any command to check the label of the agv content after checking it has load capacity and before it decides to load the item at a work point?DEMO_230209_AGV Process Flow.fsm

Any other suggestion is welcomed and gratefully appreciated!


FlexSim 22.1.4
agv process flowagv loadload unload
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

To optimize this system you might be better writing your own logic. Then for each loop of the sub-circuit you could then determine how many white totes to collect to deliver and how many blue to collect based on which centre path is taken. Unless you're very familiar with the AGV templates, adding that logic might be a little difficult and what you're describing is pretty easy. Once you decide a center path, there's no point choosing other items you cannot reach in one pass of the pickup point since you'll be passing it again and could collect them then or have another AGV collect them.

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Emily K avatar image Emily K commented ·

Based on my understanding, the first step is Agv should decide the centre path, how could I decide which centre path Agv going to take?

Can you give some hints on what activities might use in Process Flow to achieve what you describe?

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ Emily K commented ·
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