
Jay Khedekar avatar image
Jay Khedekar asked Jason Lightfoot edited

How to create a state chart for created object task executor?

I am using process flow to create a task executor at a control point and making it travel to another control point before destroying it.

I want to get a state chart for those task executor. Is it possible to do that?

FlexSim 21.0.10
taskexecutorcreate objectstate chart
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

Here's an example of a state gantt by adding listeners to process flow activities detecting state change (based on the standard state gantt - at the moment the keys are different).



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Long G avatar image
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Long G answered

I think this process will be ok :1.Use stats.state().profile[][] and other code to save useful data into GlobalTable; 2. Use CalculatedTable to calculate or only as an intermediate step. 3.Use Base Chart Types to show these data.

I am not familiar with CalculatedTable ,but i don't think StatisticsCollector is the availabel methods to get data from GlobalTable .The above process is the only way I can think of since resetting will affect the setting value of the chart.

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