
jacks avatar image
jacks asked Joerg Vogel edited

How to let combiner combine different items in random proportion ?


Dear all

I meet a problem for my model, i want the combiner (airline) to combine cargos in random proportion, because now the combiner can only combine 3 categories of items in a specific proportion, which causes the stuck for my model when there is a lack for any category of items.

For the fluency of my model, i need to make a code for my combiner, but i do not know how to code for that.

FlexSim 21.2.4
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel edited

You can do it indirectly. There is default mechanism to update a components list by a global table in an OnEntry event trigger. You can update the components list by this mechanism and you can dynamically set randomly values in this global table.

Simple example Version 23.1:


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jacks avatar image jacks commented ·
but how to build a global table
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel jacks commented ·

@jacks, a global table is an item of the toolbox. You can add a table by clicking on the green plus sign icon and choose from a list of item global table.

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jacks avatar image jacks Joerg Vogel commented ·

coloading111.1.fsmI tried the global list, but i do not know how to let the combiner run my order. I listed every possibilities of combination in global table.

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