
prs avatar image
prs asked prs commented

Make AGV wait in other network node



I was trying to do a model where the AGV load an item and unload it in a queue. I am using travel networks. The thing is that I would like to send the AGV to another Node while the path content is full.


Is that posible? I would like to do it as automatic as possible because I want to use it in a bigger model with more agv and more sources.

Thanks in advanced.

FlexSim 23.2.1
agvtravel networks
agv.png (162.6 KiB)
agvmodelparking.fsm (41.4 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered prs commented

Through some testing it appears that once a Task Executer has made an entry request for a Traffic Control Area it is sort of "locked in" and will wait until it can enter and travel to the next network node regardless of being preempted and send to another location.

So you would have to detect the arrival shortly before it would make that request, check if the area is empty and if not, send the Task Executer to the park point instead (which should also be part of the Traffic Control area, or the TE would then immediately continue to the intersection).


If there might be multiple AGVs that would have to drive to different waiting positions, I would recommend to build the logic in Process Flow instead of the network node trigger.

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