
Het avatar image
Het asked Het commented

Need assistance in Combiner packing method( Twin pack to 4 Pack Bottle in Box)

I am trying to pack 2 bottles in a box. I used Tote as a container and changed the graphics of open box which I found online. However, Bottles are not get aligned in a box. Is there a simple coding I need to use in packaging methods?

There are two scenario for our batch type. for the first batch we are using twin pack and for the second batch we are using 4Pack bottle in box.

I have attached the model here, Can you please check what I need change here?

Refer: I need pack 1 until 6 products when the pallet arrived to combiner - FlexSim Community

1706202332196.pngSans.skpCombiner practise.fsm

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Het commented

Change your shape factors of the box to these values:


Which will align the packing space with the yellow bounding box:


Then you can resize the box to fit however many bottles you like (create a 2bottle and 4 bottle box in the flow item bin). I'd also suggest you lower the packing margin to the side of the box to show a tight fit (edit the Simple packing method template).


combiner-practise_2 and 4.fsm

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel edited

Please adjust item size to fit only into the box without the lids. You can achieve it by a customizing an object:


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