
Mike Mayer avatar image
Mike Mayer asked Phil BoBo edited

Network Node Shape - Circle vs Square

I am using FlexSim 24.1.0.

When I create travel network nodes, they are black squares. When a colleague brings the same model into FlexSim (same version) on their laptop, the network nodes are black circles.

I did find this on the topic: ("Changing travel network node shapes")

Upon opening the answers.png answer, I see that one should choose the Legacy option in File > Global Preferences > Graphics > OpenGL Context pulldown.

However, there is no legacy version that I can see. I tried all three options (see screenshot), but the NN's remained square.


I checked around in File > Global Preferences (all tabs) and Edit > Model Settings and didn't see a way to change the shape. A right-click on the network nodes doesn't have a shape picker, and I also checked the Network Properties dialog from same R-click. I like the circles my colleague gets.

Thank you,

Mike Mayer

FlexSim 24.1.0
network nodesshapes
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo edited

"Legacy" was renamed "Recommended" so that people would stop de-selecting it, as it gives you the most compatible driver that your GPU recommends. (That driver supports "Legacy" OpenGL functions using a "Compatibility" profile.)

Whether NNs are drawn as circles or squares is controlled by your graphics driver. FlexSim tells OpenGL to draw "points" and you get whatever the driver gives you.

You could add code in an object's OnDraw trigger to enable point smoothing. Depending on whether your graphics driver supports that setting, that may turn the squares into circles:

  1. #define GL_POINT_SMOOTH 0x0B10
  2. fglEnable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH);
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