
Mohamed Eldakroury avatar image
Mohamed Eldakroury asked Mohamed Eldakroury commented

Push to list seems to fail when using maximum wait timer


This is a demo model that represents a bigger model that I have. My main question is, I often see a case when I try to use the maximum wait timer on a push event, nothing gets pushed to the list. Also the token gets a label called "failed" and is equal to 1. This is happening here on my subflow with a push to list activity.

I usually use the maximum wait timer to avoid having the token wait until another token pull the object from the list.

I appreciate your input on this one with an explanation for why I see this behavior.

Wait for Token Event Demo2_Subflows.fsm

FlexSim 24.2.0
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Mohamed Eldakroury commented

It is pushed onto the list - you can see that if you step through the events - and then when the timer event is fired, it is removed from the list. If you want the value to stay on the list there is a checkbox option "keep on list on Early Release". Here's the documentation for the Push to List activity if you need more information.

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Mohamed Eldakroury avatar image Mohamed Eldakroury commented ·

Thank you!

Yes I looked at the documentation before and I read the part where it says use maximum wait timer to have the token not wait at the push activity. Didn't get to read the "keep on list on Early Release" though. Thanks that fixed it.

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