
Tom S4 avatar image
Tom S4 asked Jeanette F answered

A Star Navigator - Different behaviors depending on grid or member

I have two separate A* grids in my model. One grid has AGVs and Operators and those resources can take diagonal paths. The other grid has a different type of vehicle (modeled as AGVs but they are different) that is only capable of moving via right angles in either X or Y direction in rack aisles (or underneath the aisle if they are empty).

I have read other posts that mention a model can only one have A* navigator, but is there a way I can specify different behaviors, either by grid or by A* member?

I realize this may be possible via network nodes but I would have to place around 7,000 of them and would prefer to avoid this. AGV network also does not seem to be viable, given that it seems control points can only be attached to storage objects, rather than storage slots.

FlexSim 24.1.1
agvastarastar navigator
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @Tom S4,

Thank you for contributing to our community! We couldn't identify a maintained license or subscription linked to your account.

You may need to update your profile information to identify yourself as a license owner or their associate. Check out our article for how to ensure you receive timely support. If you update your profile comment back to let us know - we'll adjust the priority of your post accordingly.

If your current license is expired, please contact your local distributor to renew.

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Tom S4 avatar image Tom S4 Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·
Hi Jason, thanks for the tip. I have changed my account email to my work email. However, the license is not tied to my account - my organization uses concurrent licensing. But hopefully my profile has enough information now to identify my account as having a valid license.
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ Tom S4 commented ·
Thanks for updating your profile - unfortunately I still can't identify a license tied to the organization.
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered

Hello @Tom S4,

We have submitted to the development team the request to allow separate grids to have separate Astar navigators.

As far as a the AGV network not connecting control points to individual slots, you can set that the AGV travels to the slot by changing the offset travel behavior in the AGV network properties. This allows the AGV to load or unload from/to a rack in the closest position to the rack on the path.

AGV offset travel stop on point on path.fsm

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