
wooram-kim avatar image
wooram-kim asked Jeanette F commented

Question on FluidPipe and FluidConveyor


I made and attached a model . (Fluid problem.fsm)

The model has 3 lines. Each line has a source that follows an exponential distribution and makes a box every seconds. The generated box is transformed into a liter of fluid and terminated at the end of line.

The only difference among the lines is the specification of fluid pipe as follows,

Line 1.

Maximum Content : 10.000

Maximum Flow Rate : 10.000

Line 2.

Maximum Content : 10.001

Maximum Flow Rate : 10.000

Line 3.

Maximum Content : 10.000

Maximum Flow Rate : 9.999

In case of Line 2 & 3, the Maxium Content is very slightly larger than Maximum Flow Rate.

I assume that the performance of the lines is almost identical because the input rate is very lower than the Maximum Flow Rates of pipes. But the run of 5,000 seconds shows very different results. It seems that the fluid conveyors of Line 2 & 3 cannot supply enough amount of fluid to the pipes.

Trying several tests, I've found the followings,

If the interval time is 1 (instead of exponential(0, 1, getstream(current))), the problem does not happen.

If the fluid conveyor is not used (ItemToFluid is directly connected to FluidPipe), the problem does not happen.

FlexSim 24.1.0
exponential distributionfluidconveyorfluidpipe
fluid-problem.fsm (48.5 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Jeanette F commented

Hello @WooRam_KIM,

In the case where you are using a distribution in each source, they will not create items at the same time even if they have the same distribution. This means that the lines will have different content on them. By changing the arrival interval to 1 on the sources you are making the items arrive at the same time for each line so the content will be the same.


fluid-problem-1.fsm (49.7 KiB)
· 2
5 |100000

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