
sara S2 avatar image
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sara S2 asked sara S2 commented

exponential(0.0, 10.0, getstream(activity)) components meaning


Where could I find the explication of the exponential distribution components "exponential(0.0, 10.0, getstream(activity))" (what does 0.0; 10.0 and getstream(activity) mean) in the user manual of Flexsim?


FlexSim 19.0.0
exponential distribution
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
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Ben Wilson answered sara S2 commented

Hi @sara S2,

FlexSim's command reference shows the parameter definitions for all FlexScript commands. Here is a direct link to the statistics command group, where you can then dive in and examine the specifics for the exponential() and other distribution commands:

From the documentation:

exponential (num location, num scale [, num stream])
Returns a random sample from an exponential distribution

exponential( γ, β, stream) is a non-negative continuous probability distribution.

γ is the location parameter ∈ ( - ∞, ∞ )
β is the scale parameter ( 0, ∞ )
stream is a reference to one of FlexSim's random number streams {0,1,2,...}

For a deeper understanding of the location and scale parameters, you may wish to do further research into the realm of statistics:

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