
Keita T. avatar image
Keita T. asked Keita T. commented

About the impact of making AGV path with FrexScript


Are there any difference between adding AGV path from library and creating it by FlexScript?

// sample FlexScript to create AGV path
Vec3 startloc=[0,0,0];
Vec3 endloc=[10,0,0];
Object path = Object.create("AGV::StraightPath");

I found that tree node path of AGV path added from library was under MODEL:/AGVNetwork. On the contray, the path created by FlexScript was under MODEL:/. I want to know if the difference of tree node path for created AGV path affects to simulation.

FlexSim 24.0.4
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1 Answer

Jacob W2 avatar image
Jacob W2 answered Keita T. commented

Hi @Keita T.

The sample code that you provided should work just as well as creating the agv path from the library. The Object.create() and setProperty() functions shouldn't cause any issues. That being said, avoid using the createcopy() function on the library node, this can cause some issues to occur when creating an agv path.

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Keita T. avatar image Keita T. commented ·

@Jacob W2 Thank you for your answer. The original problem has been solved. But another question related to this question has arisen. I will create another thread about new question, so i would be grateful if you check it.

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