
walze00 avatar image
walze00 asked Joerg Vogel answered

Operator load AGV without Process Flow

Hi everyone,

is it possible to load an AGV by an Operator without using a process flow?

Thank you for your Ideas!

Kind regards

FlexSim 24.2.2
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered


You must write source code in trigger events:

Operator on Receive Task Sequence:

  1. treenode destination = current.outObjects[1];
  2. if(taskSequence.tasks.length == 5){  // identify a transport job
  3.     treenode item = taskSequence.tasks[2].involved1; // get item from current tasksequence
  4. taskSequence.addTask(TASKTYPE_UNLOAD,item,destination).rank = 4; // divert to AGV

On Load adjust Template Travel to Object

  1. TaskSequence ts = TaskSequence.create(current, priority,PREEMPT_ONLY);

Operator gets a tasksequence to transport item to second queue.

On Receive Task Sequence he unloads involved item to AGV in task number 4.

On Unload he receives a new job to do. Priority is heigher and this job preempts his current task sequence. This begun Taskssequnce will be dispatched to the AGV by reference over output port number one. The AGV will do the rest of aborted Task Sequence.

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