
Pooja I avatar image
Pooja I asked Paula LG answered

Turn table parallel work

Hello Team,

I have worked on the model through process flow. (Please check)

The robot 1 will pick and place box on turn table (10 secs)

The table will turn on other side, robot 2 will work on it (20 secs) therefore parallelly robot1 should pick and place box on other side of turn table

kindly see attached model.

Thanks in advance

Turn table with 2 robots.fsm

FlexSim 25.0.0
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1 Answer

Paula LG avatar image
Paula LG answered

Hi Pooja,

I have built a logic inside your model that works according to what I think is the best approach for this matter.

I have changed the use of resources to lists to be able to achieve this parallel work, and I also changed the turntable from a queue object to a basic FR that contains 2 smaller queues inside (which represent the position on each side of the table), because it is not possible to manually set the location of an item inside a queue (it strictly follows the stacking method chosen for it). You can relocate those queues and hide them to make the model more visually appealing.

I attach here the modified model: turn-table-with-2-robots_1.fsm Let me know if you have any questions about anything in it!

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