
Maarten Euben avatar image
Maarten Euben asked Ben Wilson edited

Viewing license activation/return history

We have shared license keys, but I can not see which person activated the license although this field is foreseen.

What do we have to do to show who is using the licenses for the moment?

FlexSim 16.2.1
licensingreturn licenseactivationlicense sharinglicense history
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered Ben Wilson edited

You can view your license's activation/return history from within your FlexSim Account.

  1. Visit your My Licenses page.
  2. Expand your license list.
  3. Click on a license to view its history.
  4. The most recent event will be listed at the top.

  • The Action column indicates whether it was an activate or return.
  • Date specifies the date and time of the action.
  • User designates the username for the Windows user currently logged in to the PC when the action occurred.
  • Computer is the name of the PC.
  • IP Address is the public internet address of the computer when it contacted the license server.

Sometimes the final three columns will not have any information. This happens when communication from your computer to our webserver is blocked or delayed. In some cases we can manually match up delayed data with the action, so if you would like us to check our database to see if any missing data might be available, please start a new private question and ask regarding the history of your specific activation IDs. Remember to make the question private!

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