
Xavi Aguirre avatar image
Xavi Aguirre asked Xavi Aguirre commented

Are MTBF/MTTR and Time Tables enabled by default in Experimenter?

I have a model with several Time Tables and MTBF/MTTR. I assumed that if I ran an experiment, if they were enabled, they would be applied in the experiment. However, i ran a test enabling/disabling them as an experimenter variable and I get different results.

Am I wrong in the assumption that the tables apply directly to the experiment if they are enabled in the model?


FlexSim 17.0.2
experimentermtbf mttrtime tableexperiment variable
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered Xavi Aguirre commented

If you have the "Enabled" checkbox checked in the MTBF/MTTR table checked then they should be applied to your experimenter results. You said that you get different results when it is checked or unchecked. That should be the case, because having breakdowns enabled would influence the outcome of your experimenter results.

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Xavi Aguirre avatar image Xavi Aguirre commented ·

Thank you @Sam Stubbs I was getting different results by not doing anythign at all (just checking the enabled tick) and running an experiment with all tables enabled (as experimenter variable) which should yield the same results. But, I was making a mistake and enabling a table that shouldn't be there. It is clear and working now. Thanks so much!

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