
Brian avatar image
Brian asked Jason Lightfoot commented

License Activation Error

I am getting an error when I try to activate my license.

I returned the license last week planning to use it on another computer. Now that I'm trying to activate the license I get an error.

There are NO other users using this license.

FlexSim 17.2.2
license activationlicense upgradelicense error
error.jpg (64.8 KiB)
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered Jason Lightfoot commented


As we discussed on the phone, I'm going to make this private question public. The license code in the screenshot is now defunct, so there is no danger to making it publicly visible.

The problem lies in attempting to activate a 17.1 license code after the license has been upgraded to 17.2.

When a license has been upgraded, and the upgraded license code put to use, you can't go backward and use the older code. The act of activating the upgraded license code obsoletes the older license code.

So the following error message can turn up both if the license is already activated somewhere, or if the license code has been obsoleted due to an upgrade:

  1. Operations error: 7288 The activation of the fulfillment is denied by
  2. the activation policy because fulfill count exceeded the available seat
  3. count.
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