
Christopher Morgan avatar image
Christopher Morgan asked Christopher Morgan commented

Change model arrival rate distributions using dashboard model controls

I'm working on a model that has significant seasonality for different patient types/tracks and i'll be fitting the arrival rates using different statistical distributions for hour of day and day of week for each patient track.

I'd like to be able to use the model controls drop down tool in the dashboard area to select the appropriate seasonality (ie fall, winter, spring, etc.) and the model would update the arrival rates accordingly using this drop down.

This seems possible by using global tables, but i was curious if any other users had encountered this before and found any interesting solutions or developed a best practice. Any directions or examples you could share would be greatly appreciated. I'd also love to hear any other solutions you all have come up with for this type of problem.

Chris M

FlexSim HC 5.3.2
dashboardshealthcarearrival tablemodel control
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Christopher Morgan commented

You can definitely do this. The hardest part is that you have to write some code to specify what the drop down does when you change the value (i.e. copy the appropriate arrival table into an Arrivals object).

However, I would recommend just using the Experimenter and making 4 different scenarios for each season. This will give you almost all the same functionality and you can do it a lot easier. Just add an Experiment Variable and set its type to Arrival Table. Configure the variable with the drop downs to specify the arrivals object and then fill in the Scenario variable values with the name of the corresponding global table.

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Christopher Morgan avatar image Christopher Morgan commented ·

This makes a lot more sense to do, don't know why i didn't think of this.

Thanks again Matthew!

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