
Kari Payton avatar image
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Kari Payton asked Kari Payton commented

Function in FlexSim like Excel vlookup?

Is it possible to match a value from 2 tables and assign a label from another column of the matched value. Like the Vlookup in Excel?

FlexSim 18.1.0
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Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Kari Payton commented

Now that I see your table, I have two possible recommendations. One is to use a query, like in my other answer. However, it does not need a Join, if the token knows the value from one of the tables. At that point, only the second table is required:

  1. Table result = Table.query("SELECT [Order Picking Number] FROM Dimensions_OrderOfPicking WHERE [Item Number] = $1", token.itemNumber);
  2. return result[1][1];

Note that a query makes a table, but in this case, we're making a table with one row and one column, so we can get a single value.

The query method is slow, however, because the table must be searched for the matching value. The longer the table, the slower this method gets.

I would recommend using a list. You can use partitions as a "key" to get the value you need. See the attached model. This method is extremely fast, and does not get slower as the table to search grows. It will cost a little more memory, but it will usually be worth it.


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Jordan Johnson avatar image
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Jordan Johnson answered Jordan Johnson edited

I am guessing you will need to use a query:

  1. SELECT Col3 FROM Table1 JOIN Table2 ON Table1.Col1 = Table2.Col2

If you post a model with two example tables, I will get you an exact query.

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