
Abel van der Windt avatar image
Abel van der Windt asked Jordan Johnson edited

Gant chart for BasicFR not working due to Wait for Event pop-up difference


I have a BasicFR in my model on which I manually set the state. I want to display the state over time in a Gant Chart. However, my GantChart is not updating. It stays on the state 'other'.

I noticed that when I install the template behind the Gant chart and open the Wait for State Change in the ProcessFlow that it has the Wait for Event pop-up of a standard FlexSim object (For example a queue). Therefore the state and profile get mixed-up and the Gant Chart is not updated properly.

Why is there a difference between the Wait for Event pop-up of a standard object and the Wait for Event pop-up of a BasicFR?


Abel van der Windt

FlexSim 18.2.2
wait for eventbasicfrstate changegant chart
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Jordan Johnson edited

The popups are different because the BasicFR exposes different parameters for the OnStateChange event than other fixed resources. The popup correctly reflects that difference.

The fact that the State Gantt chart can't handle the BasicFR is a known bug, which will be fixed in the next bug fix releases (18.0.9, 18.2.3).

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