
Alfredo DF2 avatar image
Alfredo DF2 asked Jordan Johnson commented

how to turn a tree variable from script into node as Flexsim script?


I wanto to turn a tree variable (like creationtrigger for a Source) in a node with Flexsim script, by the script same.

In fact I have writtten a code to script, but the similation doesn't read it because in the tree the node isn't a script.

Thank you all!

sourcetreenodenodesimulation time
treenode.png (20.3 KiB)
script.png (15.6 KiB)
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Steven Hamoen avatar image
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Steven Hamoen answered Jordan Johnson commented
@Alfredo DF2

Check out the functions: switch_flexscript() and buildnodeflexscript()

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Alfredo DF2 avatar image Alfredo DF2 commented ·


Is it right? Because when I launch the script, the setting is not saved.

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script2.png (15.0 KiB)
Steven Hamoen avatar image Steven Hamoen Alfredo DF2 commented ·

@Alfredo DF2

2 points:

1. I would first set the nodestr and after that toggle the node as FlexScript.

2. If you look at the switch_flexscript() command you will see that you need an extra parameter to toggle it as flexscript (switch_flexscript(creationtrigger, 1) )

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Jordan Johnson avatar image Jordan Johnson ♦♦ Alfredo DF2 commented ·

If you change the code after building flexscript, you need to build flexscript again:

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martin.j avatar image
martin.j answered Alfredo DF2 commented

Right click the node in the tree and select "Build > Toggle Node as Flexscript", then to build the node for the first time; right click again and select "Build > Build Node Flexscript".

buildfsnode.jpg (44.7 KiB)
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Alfredo DF2 avatar image Alfredo DF2 commented ·

Yes, but after reset this set will delete.

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